
― La cucina ticinese

Minimalistic style


The lack of handles is the feature that underscores the minimalistic style in this kitchen the most. The “push” elements are recessed into the top or side of the front of the cabinet or, for optimum grip comfort, incorporated into the cabinet body as a traditionally manufactured strip.


They are ideal design elements for base, wall, and tall cabinets. They can be made from the same color or material as the cabinets or highlighted with a contrast color. In this case, the gold leaf design was selected for the surface.

The 1.5 mm thick acrylic front is applied to the front plates in a highly sensitive, technological production process. The black glossy, metalized acrylic fronts in the kitchen base round off the kitchen of this 19th-century villa.


High-quality and comfort

High gloss acrylic fronts. Countertop granite black Galaxy high gloss. Marble-pebble back wall installed between two glass panes with back lighting. All our products are fashioned by master craftsmen with proven experience and skill.


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Bülbora (soupe de potiron)

La zucca che meglio si presta per questa ricetta è quella nostrana. E’ facile trovarla sul mercato da ottobre a marzo.

    • 1 kg de potiron

    • 1 l de lait

    • 1 c. à c. de farine blanche

    • 1 morceau de beurre

    • 2 de riz

    • Sel

  • Préparation:
    Retirer les graines et les filaments et découper le potiron en morceaux. Cuire 15 minutes dans de l’eau salée. Égoutter et réduire en purée. Verser la purée et le lait dans une casserole. Porter à ébullition et ajouter la farine. Cuire 15 minutes en remuant lentement. Ajouter le riz et laisser cuire 15 minutes de plus. Ajouter le beurre avant de servir et décorer de champignons frais et de viande séchée fumée, selon les goûts.